Business Coaching for Managed Service Providers
We help MSPs bECOME FULL-STACK CYBER SECURITY FIRMS and sign clients to $300+/seat 36-month contracts
Install our proven sales, marketing & operations playbooks to
grow from zero to 6 figures in MRR and beyond

“When I came into 7 Figure MSP™ Elite I was at about $20,000 MRR and today I’m over $100,000 MRR. And lowered my seat count by 23%.”
Brett Gallant – Founder, Adaptive Office Solutions
THINGS Have Changed
Cyber Attacks are Way Up

Your clients are going to get hacked.
Not if, but when.
Do they have a plan?
Do you?
The FTC already regulates many of the industries you serve. Insurance companies are lobbying for increased cybersecurity regulations.
Insurance claims are being denied left and right for “failure to maintain” breaches.
Clients fill out policy forms carelessly and think they’re covered. When your clients are the victims of a cyber attack. When their business is held to ransom. When they lose millions of dollars. When their insurance claim is denied. When their customers sue them. When they go out of business… They are going to blame you.
Clients fill out policy forms carelessly and think they’re covered. When your clients are the victims of a cyber attack. When their business is held to ransom. When they lose millions of dollars. When their insurance claim is denied. When their customers sue them. When they go out of business… They are going to blame you.

What are you doing to protect yourself?
Do you even know how?
A Handful of OUR

How Integrated Security Experts Books 2 FTA’s per Week
“You don’t have to do this by yourself you never work a deal by yourself you don’t have to generate

How Virtual Sprout Books 4-6 CSRAs per month
“I think last I counted, I don’t like looking at it, but I think we paid about $250,000 in total

How Code Blue Computing is on Track to Make $2M This Year
“We just crossed the million-dollar mark last year, and our goal for this year is to get as close as

How AllTech IT Solutions Added $1M Revenue in 18 Months
“When we started with 7 Figure MSP™, I think we were about 65k in MRR. I’ll give you a rough

How JP The Geek Delegated Sales & Business Development
“I had hired a salesperson and we didn’t know what to do. We were a mess. I didn’t know how

Adaptive Office Solutions Grew From 22k to 105k MRR & Cut Seat Count 23%
“I struggled selling managed services to clients at $10-$20 per seat, thinking no one would want to invest in that.

“A lot of people get lost in the tech side of things. They don’t understand, there’s so much more you could be doing. I’m still busy every single day and I need help. Imagine handling tech on top of all of that.”
Mitch Redekopp – CEO, Rivercity Technology Services Ltd.
As seen in

we give out awards
for MRR Milestones
This award is given to clients who have shown verified results of $10K, $50K, or $100K in monthly recurring revenue in contractual earnings with our program.
like grammys but for ... MSPs.

Think No One Will Pay $300+/Seat?

“Bite size deal! $767.52/month MRR and $1,096 onboarding for 36 months.”
Logan E.

“Just converted another break/fix customer over to fully managed.
5 users -1400/mo. This customer spent about 2k a year with us.”
Corey P.

“Another win, this stuff works!!! 20 Users, $5,500/month, and $16,500 onboarding.”
Patrick N.

“I can finally post a win. 25 user CSRA for $5,000. Restaurant and catering business.”
Barron B.

“We have a few wins over here! 2-Person company $500 MRR, $3,000 onboarding. 20-Person Company $3,500 MRR, $4,000 onboarding.”
Joseph M.

“We’ve signed 6 new clients in the past 5 weeks. Another good size one today for another $3,800/month. So excited for the momentum over the last month and all the new things ”
Jesse P.

“Forgot to post a win. This was a couple of weeks ago. 15-User dental group, currently $3,900/month.”
Brian A.

“Marketing win – judged a local hackathon. Made some solid connections with the other judges, and got to practice more of that public speaking I hate!”
Mitch R.

“Marketing Win! I was given the opportunity to present to 35 businesses from three separate Chamber of Commerce organizations.”
Troy S.
How We Help MSPs Achieve These Results
Step 1
Fix Your Business Model

Many MSP owners started out as tech support. Great at tech. Not so great at running a business. No more good, better, best. You’re cybersecurity experts who offer one comprehensive solution.
Step 2
Upgrade Your Current Clients

Many MSPs do way too much for way too little. We help you upgrade your clients so you can deliver better service, make more, work less. Clients who don’t get with the program are fired.
Step 3
Get New Clients

Once you’ve proven our model works, you have the margins and confidence to go out and get new business. We give you proven marketing and sales playbooks to make this happen.
Step 4
Hire. Delegate. Automate

Your MRR engine is humming and you’re finally out of the feast-or-famine cycle. It’s time to take yourself out of the day-to-day and become a real CEO. We show you how to build teams, delegate and lead