
How this MSP Doubled his Yearly Revenue (with Brian Joudry)

“It was becoming something that was weighing on me a lot… just not being able to crack that nut and figure out how to grow my business doing what we were doing, the way we were doing it.”

“When we joined 7 Figure MSP™ Elite we were doing $250,000-$300,000 per year. A year later we’re on track to do between $500,000 and $600,000. We’ve pretty much doubled.”

“I kind of joke about it but the truth is that I get paid now. And as the owner of a small business a lot of people will be able to relate to this. At the end of the month, you get what’s left over… You’ve given us the growth we need so I don’t worry about those things anymore and I’m taking a salary out of the business instead of looking at what’s left.”

Brian Joudry – Founder, bNetworked

My name is Brian Joudry. I’m from bNetworked Inc, a managed service provider in rural Nova Scotia. I joined 7 Figure MSP in March 2023, approaching one year with the program.

We recognized cybersecurity’s increasing importance for managed service providers, and started work on our own to develop a security-centric program to provide better service and security to clients.

In the process of essentially trying to invent that wheel, I came across 7 Figure MSP’s program, which perfectly aligned with the direction we initially wanted to go.

The Struggle to Grow Despite Desire

We struggled to achieve any business growth goals, and I reached a point where I gave myself a two-year timeline to either grow the business or find something else.

It weighed heavily on me, being unable to crack that nut and figure out how to actually grow my business with our existing approach.

Evaluating 7 Figure MSP as The Solution

I extensively researched the 7 Figure program. I had the opportunity to speak with a couple of members who had been in the program for a while, and evaluated it from the perspective of the cybersecurity capabilities we wanted to expand into.

It provided us a guided process to get where we wanted as a small, technically-focused team without strong sales or marketing expertise.

Having someone provide guidance from real expertise, comprehensive documentation, and a formula to take us from point A to B as a small MSP was invaluable.

Rapidly Doubling Annual Revenue

We were doing about $250,000 to $300,000 annually, and are now on track to land between $500,000 and $600,000 by year’s end. So we’re nearly doubling our previous revenue level.

The Immense Personal Impact

The changes impact even wanting to get out of bed and go to work each day, making a huge difference in motivation.

The truth is, as a small business owner, you often only receive what’s left over after paying suppliers, staff, and trying to survive on whatever remains after covering everything else.

It has provided the growth we needed. Now, I actually take a salary from the business instead of just looking at the leftovers.

Regrets on Waiting and Pursuit of Perfection

I wish I had found this program sooner, as there were certainly struggles I likely would not have faced if I knew then what I know now.

As technicians, we spend too much time pursuing perfection because technical mistakes are costly. However, I’ve learned I cannot apply that mindset to everything in my business.

Often, the important thing is simply to keep moving forward, making mistakes but learning from them, and progressing ahead of where you were previously.

Revised Long-Term Growth Targets

When I hit that inflection point two years ago, I told myself I needed to get the business to around a million dollars in annual revenue by 2024.

I think I will fall short of that target. But I’m now in a position where I can see it being within reach, as an attainable goal rather than an arbitrary number.

The Value of Expertise Over Self-Discovery

You need to realize the expertise that can be gained from a program coaching at this level. While it’s possible to eventually figure this out on your own, it gave us an immense head start.

It’s literally the difference between taking 5 years to reach my current stage versus accomplishing it in just 8-12 months. Depending on focus and execution, it’s likely possible even faster.

As a small business owner wearing countless hats, it slowed me down slightly. But it removes a huge burden of simply trying to figure everything out yourself.

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