“Bite size deal! $767.52/month MRR and $1,096 onboarding for 36 months.”
Logan E.

“Just converted another break/fix customer over to fully managed. 5 users - $1400/mo. This customer spent about 2k a year with us.”
Corey P.

“Another win, this stuff works!!! 20 Users, $5,500/month, and $16,500 onboarding.”
Patrick N.

“I can finally post a win. 25 user CSRA for $5,000. Restaurant and catering business.”
Barron B.

“We have a few wins over here! 2-Person company $500 MRR, $3,000 onboarding. 20-Person Company $3,500 MRR, $4,000 onboarding.”
Joseph M.

“We’ve signed 6 new clients in the past 5 weeks. Another good size one today for another $3,800/month. So excited for the momentum over the last month and all the new things coming now.”
Jesse P.

“Forgot to post a win. This was a couple of weeks ago. 15-User dental group, currently $3,900/month.”
Brian A.

“Marketing win - judged a local hackathon. Made some solid connections with the other judges, and got to practice more of that public speaking I hate!”
Mitch R.

“Marketing Win! I was given the opportunity to present to 35 businesses from three separate Chamber of Commerce organizations.”
Troy S.

“Small Webinar win, most attendees so far.”
Emilio M.

“Another CSRA signed! 7 users, 2K.”
Joe D.

“🚨Small win! New Client. 5 Users $1,900/month. $23,000 in new hardware and onboarding.”
Vince M.

“Win, 9 user CSRA non-profit $1500! One call close, came in last week.”
Patrick H.

“We’ve been working this opportunity since June and finally got them signed today! A local non-profit with 20 users on a three year contract paid annually. First invoice with onboarding is $120,000. our biggest single BOOM to date.”
Greg M.

“Just signed a $2200 CSRA approx 22 users.”
Don M.

“Will be speaking about cybersecurity to about 150 people at a construction technology conference tomorrow.”
Brian A.

“Closed an 85-person manufacturer. Remote support only. Billable Onsite. 7 pending projects that will last about 3 years. Cyber Security to follow after other provider's contract expires. Just shy of $10,000 / month on a 36 month agreement.”
Reilly G.

“First win! Had a break-fix client that we were billing $87 per month for a firewall. Ran the play! Proposed the whole stack, and now we are billing $1517.60 per month for 3 seats on a 5 year contract. We have 75% margin! This is huge for a couple of reasons. My average seat price before this deal was $24.10. All my contracts are month to month. This new customer is now my 5th largest client by revenue with only 3 seats. Client number 4 has 133 seats.”
Stan N.

“Tiny Marketing win. Decided to call the local radio station and dropped a quick 10 second who we are, live 😂 That was fun.”
Dan M.

“Some type of win: 6 FTAs next week, current record for us!”
Mitch R.

“4-user pediatric dentistry office. New owner of an existing practice. $1250/month with VoIP. Called for VoIP options, steered the conversation to everything else and picked up everything else.”
Rob D.

“Marketing Win: New SDR is doing great with 3 Confirmed visitors to our Cyber Security Briefing. Let's go!”
John H.

“As a newer member… I just finished my 3 NO's… and it was a great success. I converted all 3… of them adding 11k to MRR and about the same in onboarding costs.”
Will S.

“I just got emailed confirmation from a CO-MANAGED deal we've been working. 42 users. 6 locations. Cyber only. $6,400/mo. This deal started as a low-voltage cabling job but… it turned into ‘we aren't happy with our MSP…’ and ‘we are drastically overpaying at $60/user’... ‘We’d love to pay you $150/user because we actually see the value we'll get now.’”
Matt J.

“Marketing Win: I just landed a paid 45-minute Speaking spot for an International organization holding a summit here.”
John H.

“Had a win early this week. Converted a dental break/fix customer to our fully managed stack. 6 users, $1500/mo.”
Corey P.

“I have a win to report! Whale client who was due for renewal… Co-managed IT Support, SaaS application management, scope and part-time vCIO. $38,500/mo, 1 year term.”
Justin H.

“Micro win. Small museum NFP. Only $500 a month though, more a community service than an actual sale.”
Dean E.

“I just had a referral call me, never met him before but from listening to Cindy Phillips teachings, I didn't make the mistake I've made in the past with other leads… I told him to do this, we do need a CSRA and there is a $2500 fee. He went into: I'm a small business blah blah blah. I said no problem, but explained I won't touch his network without it, and asked him what happens if I 'touch' your systems and 3 days later you have a problem? Who are you going to blame? He said you, laughed and I felt he was onboard at that point. I then said I’ll tell you what. After the CSRA you'll have a report on what you need to do. If you decide to engage us, I'll credit you the cost of the CSRA. He loved that and thanked me for being flexible 🙂 He approved the $2500 CSRA.”
Mick M.

“Multiple wins: Two CSRA for $3000. One 3-user CSRA $1500. Two contract renewals. And hardware refresh project work.”
Brett G.

“Been courting a potential client for over 3 months now. Got a paid CSRA signed today! First CSRA that is not from our existing book of business.”
Chuck P.

“Finally got a much needed win. 2 companies with the same client. First company is 10 users at $2699/month. Onboarding next week. Second company is 40 users at the same per person pricing starting next month after we onboard the first client. Should be just over $11k/month once we onboard them both.”
Brian G.

“Marketing Win - Meeting on Monday about a 45 minute speaking spot for an international organization that’s hosting a local conference.”
John H.

“Signed a new client to a 24 month contract. 16 users for $4,800/month. $10,600 onboarding.”
Vince M.

“6 user Chamber of Commerce $1997/month for 36 months. This was one of the leads from the chamber event I spoke at this summer.”
Randy B.

“My latest win is for a construction company with 13 seats, $2500 onboarding, and $4250/mo on a 36-month agreement. I'm happy to close this one! Thank you 7-Figs!”
Billy T.

“5 user business funding company: $1160/m, $1900 onboarding + 2 new laptops, set up for those ($600) and conversion from Google Workspace to M365 @ hourly rate. Now on to the 4 in the pipeline. That will bring my MRR to $5560/mo.”
Don M.

“Got an email from one of the non-profits from yesterday. Setting up a FTA for next week. The property management CEO from the ID Theft wants to commence with a CSRA. We’re talking on Monday.”
Don M.

“$1500 a month, 3 year agreement for 5 user accounting firm, CSRA sold at $1500, $1200 in project work. Ran the play and it worked beautifully!”
Giuseppe R.

“(When we joined 7 Figure MSP™ Elite we had $0k MRR and were supporting project clients as our primary revenue… My original goal was to get to $10k MRR… We are now approaching $30k MRR monthly… We have $186k in the pipeline.”
Gerty T.

“Got 5 signed CSRA's last week. Working through the rest of my book of business. Told a few jobs no that I would have taken 6 months ago.”
Alan S.

“I have 3 speaking engagements: 1 for a bar association, 1 for a realtor association and 1 for a webinar. I also created a facebook group last thursday…and it has almost 70 members.”
Carl P.

“Just did my first CSRA Presentation with my first NO. The presentation wasn’t the smoothest, but the client was very interactive and has felt like he needed something like this for quite some time now. Follow up in a week!”
Will S.

“Should be wrapping up a deal tomorrow. 4 users, 1 server and 4 iPhones. Cyber only, no help desk. $1700/month.”
Brian G.

“Go ahead and stamp that 100K Club record for us because the 50K frame needs a picture of its daddy and we’re almost there. I told y’all we were coming for it! #100KMRR”
Matthew J.

“Sold a $1,500 CSRA to a small manufacturing company. Upgraded an existing single-user client to full stack @ $941/month on a MTM with a 6-month minimum.”
Cindy V.

“First CSRA closed for the month: 20 users at $3K!”
Greg M.

“Got a random call from the city where our office is located… they wanted to feature us in a video highlighting small businesses and growth.”
Jesse P.

“Cold email campaign success! Received a contact form request from a business owner wanting to learn more, currently going through our automation.”
Steven G.

“4.5 years later, $29K MRR contracted from this program. I started with no sales or marketing knowledge, just tech experience. This program kept me from quitting and going back to work for someone else.”
Liam B.

“Signed a 40-user accounting firm: $12,795/mo for 36 months, $6,000 onboarding. Total contract value: $466,620.”
Daniel D.

“New startup system $200/month, with labor billed hourly. 36-month agreement, $725/month to start. Client owns multiple large firms, lots of project work at $175-$200/hour.”
David R.

“Made 10 cold calls, booked a FTA before my Rotary Club presentation, and got three requests for info, which I will follow up with calls.”
Don M.

“Three inbound referrals from social posts/networking in two days. Huge marketing win.”
Jamie B.

“Marketing win: Going to a minor league baseball game sponsored by our bank, where I’ll be introduced and pitch to business owners.”
John H.

“SEO to website query to FTA, discovery call, and closed a $3,500 CSRA for a 3-person company.”
Liam B.

“Signed a co-managed deal: 36 months, $3,700 MRR for a 31-person insurance agency. 80%+ margins, $3,300 onboarding.”
Logan E.

“Boom! Labor-only upgrade: $7,300/mo to $11,475/mo—straight profit increase.”
Mitch R.

“Presented CSRA findings to an existing client, they signed a new 36-month contract, increasing MRR from $1,100/mo to $1,764/mo.”
Scott A.

“Client who left in 2022 now wants to return, after describing how bad their new MSP is.”
Troy S.

“Just signed a CSRA for an at-home business $1,100. Finished $2,800 labor project for a client hit by lightning.”
Philip D.

“Upgraded 17-seat customer from $2,452 MRR to $5,809 MRR with a fresh 36-month agreement, $209k contract value. Also snagged a new customer from HPE referral, worth $30K when cleanup finishes.”
Jamie B.

“Got an $85K signed deal plus a referral to another organization, closing soon!”
Earl G.

“My FTA went well; looking to sign for +$3k MRR and $4,276 onboarding soon.”
Don M.

“Sold a CSRA to an insurance company: 9 users, 2 locations, $2K.”
Joe D.

“Signed a 1-user deal: $1,500 onboarding, $494/mo for 60 months, no compliance requirements.”
Fred H.

“Multiple wins: 5k MRR upgrade, 36-month contracts totaling $478.8K, including new locations and hardware.”
Jamie Busic

“Followed up on a quote, waiting to see if the $495/mo deal signs for one account.”
Todd T.

“Scheduled FTA for an 18-user company found through my email campaign on dissatisfaction with their current provider.”
Don M.

“Client from 2022 finally signing a 12-month agreement after initially declining, 10 users at $2,267.32/mo.”
Liam B.

“Pulled inspiration from Cindy Phillips and secured a deal for remediation, ongoing maintenance, and CSRA after a legacy client’s website was hacked. Got the signature while typing this!”
Brian J.

"Win! Just received a signed 3-year renewal from an expiring 3-year agreement. $130,000 contract value. Locked and loaded!" – Mike B.
Mike B.

"11k in MRR sold this week. Paid and 36-month agreements signed. Let's go. I have an onsite with a paid CSRA tomorrow." – Phillip L.
Phillip L.

"Small Win. Been in this program for a few weeks. Just sold my first CSRA, about 10 seats for a break/fix customer we rarely support." – Ryan Z.
Ryan Z.

"Discovery call just turned into a project + CSRA in one. That's the second combination win this week. Cindy Phillips magic is starting to stick in my head after over a year of trying to ‘process-ize’ this stuff. The pipeline is filling up. 4 CSRAs currently in progress. Prospects are good!" – Brian J.
Brian J.

"Verbal agreement on a deal for 8k with potential to double in a year or two. This law firm is growing very fast. And they want us to do all their projects and office build outs. Sending agreement today. Update agreement sent and he is sending back signed tomorrow." – Phillip L.
Phillip L.

"Got $8k co-managed signed. Working on $40k, $12k, $7k and a few more after that. LFG!" – Michael M.
Michael M.

"We have a win! CSRA for a 6-member Chamber of Commerce, $1250. Met them at our booth at the State of Texas Chamber CEO convention last month. Still working other leads from that event including a possible speaking event at one of the bigger chambers in the state." – Randy B.
Randy B.

"Verbal approval for another win, $4k/month for 20 users. That makes $7,250 MRR in 2 weeks and $12,750 onboarding from existing customers." – Patrick N.
Patrick N.

"Just signed an old existing customer from break/fix to all in. 36 months @ $8900/month! Just touching 40k added MRR since last November! Can’t thank all y’all enough." – Philip D.
Philip D.

"A couple of wins this week! Yesterday: Signed a 3-user law firm for $875/mo. Full MSP Remote Only! Today: Upgraded a 40-user company from $680/mo to $6430/mo for MSSP Security Only (no IT support.) 5-year contract with annual inflation increases!" – Daniel D.
Daniel D.

"We have a couple of CSRA wins to post! One is a 30-user nonprofit for $4500. The other is an 11-user construction firm $2250. Both leads came from referral partners." – Randy B.
Randy B.

"I have created a few drip campaigns in Wisetrack for FTC Safeguards. It's starting to work. I was contacted by an auto dealership today for a SAT program." – Don M.
Don M.

"Marketing win! I am listed as one of 3 example cybersecurity companies in the grant application for the CyberOhio Local Government Grant Program that just launched last week." – Logan E.
Logan E.

"Got 2 new paid CSRAs and more to come this week. Prospecting is paying off." – Phillip L.
Phillip L.

"Sales Win – 6 Seat Septic Company $1995/mo, $1995 onboarding. 3-year agreement. I've been nurturing this company by doing email only for them for 3 years." – John H.
John H.

"First WINS! Got 3 No’s on my first 3. Got 2 wins afterward on existing clients. 6-user insurance company for $1,500/month 10-User Manufacturing company for $1,750/month (limited, not full stack.)" – Patrick N.
Patrick N.

"Went nearly 12 months without signing up a single new client. Had a bunch of addons all year and a LOT of no's on new clients. And today we got 3 new clients and tomorrow should be getting 2 more new clients signed on." – Stanley Y.
Stanley Y.

"2 CSRA wins! 3-person Mortgage broker office $1550 and 5-user niche business office $1500!" – Yuichi M.
Yuichi M.

"Small win! Got an invite to speak to the Insurance Industry Association in December or January. I had a meeting with the President this morning. She said there will be between 100-150 attendees." – Don M.
Don M.

"We are celebrating 1 year with the 7 Figure crew! With the below numbers please keep in mind both my business partner and I still have our day jobs and we haven’t been able to devote all the time and resources we wanted to or needed to, to our cause. We are very small but bigger now thanks to this group… We have grown 138% MRR in the past year. We have 3 small companies on deck at about $600 a piece and a 9-seat Hardware store at 3668.09 MRR with $4780 onboarding on deck. If the stars align, in 1 year we will have grown 348%!" – Doug W.
Doug W.

"Win! Just got a signature on a 10-user mechanical contractor office at $2500/m! Client #2 Let's go!" – Jonathan H.
Jonathan H.

"Ran the play on my 2nd no. I knew for sure he'd say no. It was a break/fix customer that spent about $600/yr with us and is extremely cheap. After explaining the threats he is facing and how little coverage he had, we sealed the deal. 4 users $1000/mo, 36mo contract. Small accounting firm. I was blown away that he even talked to me, let alone jumped at this." – Corey P.
Corey P.

"Win! 26 users @ $325 = $8,450/mo on a 3-year contract. This is an existing client that went through the CSRA process in April. They were slow to get to signature, but we got them there today." – Chuck P.
Chuck P.

"I want to share three straight wins with existing clients. After each CSRA, we ran the Play on each of these three clients. EACH is LITERALLY paying DOUBLE what they were before. Client 1 went from $1140 a month for 7 seats to $2700 a month. Client 2 went from $1385 to $2800 a month for 7 seats, and client 3 went from $1400 a month to $3000 a month for 10 seats." – Christian

"WIN: Ink to paper. 42-user, renewal. Upgraded from $9,700 to $11,929/month. 12-month contract. Couldn't get them to a higher term, but this is a win with closing the new CFO." – Randy B.
Randy B.

"Got a signed contract for a $2000 CSRA yesterday
Keith B.

"Win! A Networking Employment lawyer referred large BEC wire transfer crime for $500k, which turned into paid BEC investigation and CSRA."
Mike B.

"10-user electric company. $3170.90/mo, 36 months, $9800 onboarding. MRR is now $85,192.90."
Mitch R.

"Solid win. 10 users, $2875/month, 36 months, onboarding $2250 and CSRA $2175. HVAC company."
Felipe I.

"Just signed new Estate Planning Law Firm. $1237/mo for 4 users. Remote Only!"
Daniel D.

"Finally a sales win!! Signed CSRA for a small electrical company. 2 owners, 7 emails for iPads in the field, and a simple data migration project. $1500."
John H.

"First NEW Client WIN since March 2023. 5 users $3608 p/m $721 p/u/m new users $406 p/m. Upfront $38286. Term, 60 months."
Rube S.

"We acquired a small business in April, one of the clients was an 80-user startup paying $40/seat for remote help desk. They converted to $75/seat, 126 users, $10500/mo."
Michael R.

"We acquired a small business in April, one of the clients was an 80-user startup paying $40/seat for remote help desk. They converted to $75/seat, 126 users, $10500/mo."
Michael R.

"4 new clients added in June (municipality, supply company, financial advisors, non-profit) - $9400/mo MRR total. All 3-year deals."
Mitch R.

"WIN here too. 2-user law firm. Ran the play after a migration from G-Workplace to M365 and SharePoint implementation. $600/mo with $1500 onboarding."
Troy S.

"We have a win! We signed a 5-user painting company, $1247 per month, 36 months. Additional users $249 per month."
Randy B.

"New MRR $124,827.49. $2172.51 to go for my new MRR goal of $127,000."
Russell W.

"We just had a sign off on a 10-user non-profit for a CSRA @ $1000. We have 2 other big CSRAs in the works."
Michael R.

"Sales wins: Signed 2 CSRAs today at $2500 each. 30-person org and another with 24-person. Marketing win: Interviewed on local public TV and local radio."
Conrad CB

"We got a win today, 9-user medical practice, $2500 MRR +$6500 onboarding fee. This is from an existing client splitting their practice."
Keith B.

"Big win for me. Closed a paid CSRA for 10K with a BF Client that has 100 users. Client wanted a $25K mail migration project but I insisted on the CSRA first."
Kevin B.

"I got another W today. Upgraded a 10-user company from $1000 per month to $2850 per month for 36 months. Ka-POW!"
Philip D.

"This isn't a huge win for numbers but a huge win because of the story behind it. Upgraded our very first company from $350 a month for 6 years to $1520.96."
Douglas W.

"Just got a win! We signed a 2-user movie production studio. $2500 onboarding. $1500 a month. 36-month contract."
Randy B.

"Signed 2 new monthly clients this week. 18-user and 10-user. MRR $5600."
Jeri J.M.

"Signed a new client after a total network refresh project. 4 users @ $1589/month; 36-month contract."
Brian G.

"I wanted to share some residential wins… I just launched a new membership two weeks ago and sold 4 memberships. Three clients paid yearly and one is on the monthly plan."
Niles B.

"2 CSRA Wins: Custom Home Builder, 6 PCs, $1500. Steel Fabrication Business, 3 PCs, $1500."
Kelly M.

"Small WIN but a WIN. 2-user Lawfirm. 36-month agreement at $1050 per month with typical 5% increase built in per annum."
Cedric D.

"Small win - Upgraded existing client using the things are always changing conversation. 2 Users was $257.50/user to $393.50/user."
Russel W.

"Lots of ups and downs this year. Lost a $48k MRR client in January. Added $15k MRR in January, $20k in February, $8k in March-April. Looking to close another deal ~$13k MRR this week."